Grants and Contributions

Grants and Contributions in Support of Resettlement Assistance Program

Terms and Conditions

Program Name: Grants and Contributions in Support of Resettlement Assistance Program
Category: Grant and Contribution
Department: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Last Updated: March 23, 2023


1.0 Authority

1.1 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (hereinafter referred to as the Department) derives its authority for the Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) from the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA).

1.2 The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (hereinafter referred to as the Minister) is also authorized by Cabinet to provide resettlement assistance to persons admitted under public policy considerations as set out in IRPA.

1.3 In addition, the Minister, with the approval of the Governor in Council, may enter into an agreement with the government of a foreign state or with an international organization, as well as with the government of any province for the purposes of the Act.

2.0 Purpose and Objectives

2.1 The purpose of RAP is to:

  1. provide direct financial support and fund the provision of immediate and essential services to eligible recipients as listed in Section 4A of these terms and conditions, hereinafter referred to as “RAP clients”; and
  2. fund refugee resettlement activities and services for clients identified in Section 4B of these terms and conditions
  3. provide transitional financial assistance to a class of recipients who are temporary residents per the terms that may be set out in an Annex to these terms and conditions.

2.2 RAP contributes to the objectives of Sections 3(2) (b) , 3(1) (a) and 3(1) (e) of IRPA, to respectively: “Fulfill Canada’s international legal obligations with respect to refugees and affirm Canada’s commitment to international efforts to provide assistance to those in need of resettlement;” “Permit Canada to pursue the maximum social, cultural and economic benefits of immigration” and “Promote the successful integration of permanent residents into Canada while recognizing that integration involves mutual obligations for new immigrants and Canadian society”.

Expected Outcomes

2.3 The expected outcomes for the Refugee Resettlement Program include timely protection of resettled refugees, meeting the immediate and essential needs of RAP clients and ensuring that resettled refugees have the tools to live independently in Canadian society, while contributing to the departmental ultimate result of resettled refugees living independently in Canadian society.

Outcomes in relation to the Annex to these terms and conditions include one-time transitional support to certain classes of recipients who are temporary residents to aid in meeting their immediate and essential needs on arrival in Canada.

Performance Measurement Strategy

2.4 The Refugee Resettlement Program Performance Information Profile (PIP) contains a logic model, on-going performance measurement (PM) indicators and a reporting schedule for the Refugee Resettlement Program. The PM indicators will measure the success of the program in achieving the expected immediate, intermediate and ultimate outcomes for the program. Key PM indicators include the number of resettled refugee admissions to Canada, number of clients served by RAP services, the extent to which RAP services were useful and accessible, and the extent to which stakeholders (IRCC, service providers, RAP clients) report that the immediate and essential needs of RAP clients were met. PM information will be collected through IRCC’s Immigration Contribution Agreement Reporting Environment (iCARE), IRCC’s Global Case Management System (GCMS) and through a combination of surveys with Refugee Resettlement Program stakeholders to be administered by the Department.

3.0 Eligible Services/Initiatives/Projects

A. Individual Income Support (Contribution)

RAP income support is:

  • administered directly by the Department
  • available to eligible RAP clients for up to 12 months if the RAP client’s income is insufficient to provide for their needs and/or the needs of their dependants

B. Grants and Contributions to Service Provider Organizations (Grant and Contribution)

There are 2 categories of Service Provider Organizations (SPOs):

  • domestic, located in Canada outside Quebec
  • international, located outside Canada

Domestically, RAP is primarily used in the operations of reception facilities that provide services to address the immediate and essential needs of RAP clients. These services are directly administered by SPOs that have a signed contribution agreement with the Department. Funds are also used to support indirect services that support refugees, including the provision of information and training needs of refugee sponsorship community under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program.

Internationally, RAP provides funds to SPOs located outside Canada to support identification, referral and pre-departure services that include travel and admissibility costs for eligible RAP clients and individuals identified for resettlement to Canada, and other activities such as developing cultural profiles as required. In addition, the Department may fund projects, workshops, or conferences which aim to improve the delivery of RAP services. These activities are delivered primarily by service providers through a contribution agreement.

C. Blended Sponsorship Initiatives (Contribution)

In addition to the Joint Assistance Sponsorship ProgramFootnote1, the Department enters into blended initiatives that involve a sponsorship undertaken jointly by the Department and a Sponsorship Agreement Holder, Group of Five, or Community Sponsor (hereinafter referred to as Eligible Sponsors),Footnote2 whereby both the Department and the Eligible Sponsor share support for the Privately Sponsored Refugee (PSR). The Eligible Sponsor has the responsibility for the reception and settlement assistance for the PSR for the term of the sponsorship. The period and extent of the financial support that each party contributes is established with the agreement of both parties.

A. Individual Income Support (Contribution)

4A. Eligible Recipients

4.1A. Eligible recipients of income support are RAP clients, more precisely defined as persons who are:

  1. permanent residents admitted to Canada, or temporary residents who are issued a permit under section 24 of IRPA who, respectively, have been determined to be or who initially applied for admission to Canada as members of the Convention refugees abroad class or the humanitarian protected persons abroad class where one of the following applies:
    1. Selected on the basis that assistance will be provided by a government resettlement assistance program; or
    2. Selected as part of the Joint Assistance Sponsorship Program
  2. persons who were members of the protected temporary residents class who become permanent residents under section 151.1 of the Regulations; or
  3. permanent residents admitted to Canada who were granted permanent residence under section 25.1 of IRPA on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Eligibility for RAP is restricted to foreign nationals who are in urgent need of protection and who, if not for the fact that they have been unable to leave their country of origin, would otherwise meet the criteria as a member of the Convention refugees abroad class. Note: Delegated authority for approval of RAP funding for these persons is restricted to Directors General; or
  4. permanent residents admitted to Canada, who were granted permanent residence under section 25.2 of IRPA as part of a group under public policy established by the Minister on unique and compelling humanitarian situations and where no other means of financial support is available. Note: The approval of RAP funding for these persons will be at the discretion of the Minister, only where the group has demonstrated settlement needs that are comparable to that of Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) (e.g., little or no financial resources; low levels of literacy; and life-skills training); or
  5. permanent and temporary residents admitted to Canada who applied for admission to Canada as members of any future humanitarian-protected person abroad class
  6. until December 31, 2024, spouses or common law partners of RAP-eligible Principal Applicants who would not otherwise be eligible for RAP income support due to their immigration status may be considered dependents if they arrive in Canada as part of an emergency movement with the Principal Applicant and demonstrate settlement needs comparable to their family members, including having little or no financial resources.

4.2A RAP clients must reside, during the eligible period, in a province where the federal government administers RAPFootnote3 in order to remain eligible for assistance.


4.3A Privately Sponsored Refugees who are not part of the Joint Assistance Program may be considered for income support but only under exceptional circumstances such as where there has been a sponsorship breakdown.

4.4A Privately Sponsored Refugees may receive eligible RAP services as defined in 5.B.

4.5A Applicants (including their family members), who have been determined by an Officer to meet the definition of convention refugee under s. 96 of Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, or who are determined by an Officer to be a member of the country of asylum class as set out in s. 147 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR), applying for permanent residence, or admitted to Canada as a permanent resident, relying on the Economic Mobility Pathways Project (EMPP) or similar future programs aimed at facilitating admission of refugees to Canada through non-refugee immigration programs, may receive RAP services defined in 5.1B and in 5.2B (a, b, d, g, h, i, j and r).

5A. Eligible Expenditures

5.1A Individual income support provides RAP clients with funds to enable them to acquire goods and services to meet their basic needs including, but not limited to:

  1. food
  2. shelter
  3. clothing
  4. basic furniture
  5. incidentals

5.2A Eligible expenditures also include miscellaneous disbursements made to a third party on behalf of a RAP client to cover shelter, basic furniture and exceptional costs such as administrative costs associated with guardianship/trusteeship procedures for separated minors, incompetent adult RAP clients, as well as funeral costs.

5.3A Medical needs not covered through other sources, which directly impact the RAP clients’ health and safety such as significant and long-term medical care not covered by provincial or territorial health programs.

6A. Determination of Contribution Amount

6.1A Contributions for income support aim to be in accordance with the prevailing provincial social assistance rates available in the RAP client’s province of residence. Provincial social assistance programs normally stipulate approved rates for housing costs (rent) and basic needs (food, and essential incidentals) and vary for specific household sizes.

6.2A The Department determines other income support amounts by setting national rates for allowances. This includes, but is not limited to, the one-time start-up allowance for household staples or the monthly maternity allowance.

6.3A Exceptional circumstances impacting a RAP client’s health and safety, such as significant and long term medical care not covered by provincial or territorial health programs, may justify higher contributions for income support.

7A. Maximum Amount Payable

7.1A The maximum contribution for a RAP client shall not exceed $60,000 per year.

7.2A The maximum contribution for a RAP client deemed as exceptional (as defined in 6.3A) on a case-by-case basis by departmental officials shall not exceed $150,000 per year, subject to Ministerial approval.

8A. Basis of Payment

8.1A Contributions for income support will normally be made on a monthly basis.

8.2A Contributions for income support may be made to RAP clients for the following:

  1. an initial period of up to 12 months commencing from the date of the RAP client’s arrival in Canada or until such time as the RAP client’s income is sufficient to meet his or her own needs and the needs of any dependants, whichever event occurs first; or
  2. in the case of RAP clients who are deemed by departmental officials to have higher needs (e.g., Joint Assistance Sponsorship cases), the maximum contribution period as described in (a) may be extended for an additional 12 months; or
  3. in the case of separated minors, the initial contribution period may be extended for up to 24 months or until the beneficiary has reached the age of majority in their province of residence, whichever event occurs first; or
  4. in exceptional circumstances where there is a Sponsorship Agreement Holder sponsorship breakdown commencing from the date of the breakdown and continuing throughout the balance of the sponsorship period, such period being defined in the undertaking provided to the Minister, or until such time as a PSR’s income is sufficient to meet his or her own needs and the needs of any dependants, whichever event occurs first

8.3A Contributions for income support for which the RAP client was not entitled shall be considered debts due to the Crown.

9A. Required Information from Applicant and Assessment Criteria

9.1A Persons eligible for RAP do not apply for income support. They are selected overseas on the basis that such assistance will be provided to them in preparation for departure to Canada and upon arriving in Canada. A departmental official will verify the eligibility and identity of the individual.

10A. Reporting Requirements

10.1A RAP clients will be asked to participate in a voluntary survey to determine how useful and accessible RAP services were, the extent to which RAP services met their immediate and essential needs, as well as whether clients were linked to settlement and other government services, non-government and community services.

B. Grants and Contributions to Service Providers (Grants and Contributions)

4B. Eligible Recipients

4.1B Eligible recipients under this section (see sections 4.2B and 4.3B) may provide services to RAP clients as defined in section 4A, services to individuals identified for resettlement to Canada (including individuals being considered for selection as well as those who have already been approved for resettlement to Canada), applicants (including their family members), who have been determined by an Officer to meet the definition of convention refugee under s. 96 of IPRA, or who are determined by an Officer to be a member of the country of asylum class as set out in s. 147 of IRPR, applying for permanent residence, or admitted to Canada as a permanent resident, relying on the EMPP or similar future programs aimed at facilitating admission of refugees to Canada through non-refugee immigration programs and indirect services that support PSRs and Blended Visa Office-Referred (BVORs).


4.2B Grant agreements can be signed with intergovernmental and international organizations to provide services to RAP clients and individuals identified for resettlement to Canada, and to applicants (including their family members), who have been determined by an Officer to meet the definition of convention refugee under s. 96 of IRPA, or who are determined by an Officer to be a member of the country of asylum class as set out in s. 147 of IRPR, applying for permanent residence, or admitted to Canada as a permanent resident, relying on the EMPP or similar future programs aimed at facilitating admission of refugees to Canada through non-refugee immigration programs.


4.3B Contribution agreements can be signed with the following eligible recipients to provide services to RAP clients (including indirect services to refugees) and individuals identified for resettlement to Canada, and to applicants (including their family members), who have been determined by an Officer to meet the definition of convention refugee under s. 96 of the IRPA, or who are determined by an Officer to be a member of the country of asylum class as set out in s. 147 of the IRPR, applying for permanent residence, or admitted to Canada as a permanent resident, relying on the EMPP or similar future programs aimed facilitating admission of refugees to Canada through non-refugee immigration programs:

  1. not for profit organizations and associations, including non-governmental organizations, community groups and umbrella organizations
  2. intergovernmental and international organizations
  3. businesses
  4. Canadian educational institutions (including boards, districts and divisions)
  5. provincial, territorial or municipal governments
  6. individual Canadian citizens (e.g., consultants, facilitators)

4.4B NOTE: For grants and contributions agreements with international organizations and provincial governments the approval of an order in council is required.

5B. Eligible Services/Expenditures

Eligible Services


5.1B Grant agreements may be made towards the following eligible services that may be provided to RAP clients and individuals who are identified for resettlement to Canada:

  1. refugee identification, assessment and referrals
  2. pre-departure refugee resettlement activities and services for individuals identified for resettlement to Canada
  3. interpretation and translation services
  4. orientation sessions
  5. transportation services outside of Canada
  6. meals and temporary accommodation services
  7. facilities for refugee processing (e.g., interviews)
  8. pre-embarkation health checks
  9. administrative support completing IRCC application forms
  10. any other justifiable service deemed appropriate to support clients in the resettlement process


5.2B Contribution agreements may be made towards the following eligible services that may be provided to RAP clients, individuals who are identified for resettlement to Canada, and indirect services that support refugees in Canada:

  1. refugee identification, assessment and referrals
  2. pre-departure refugee resettlement activities and services for individuals identified for resettlement to Canada
  3. port of entry services (assist with processing at port-of-entry and the issuance of clothing for winter arrivals) (includes PSRs)
  4. interpretation and translation services
  5. orientation sessions and assistance with locating permanent accommodation
  6. transportation services within Canada (e.g., transport from the airport to temporary accommodation, and transport to permanent accommodations)
  7. transportation services outside of Canada
  8. meals and temporary accommodation services internationally
  9. pre-embarkation health checks
  10. administrative support in completing IRCC application forms
  11. temporary accommodation services immediately upon arrival
  12. temporary allowance to meet basic needs, including food or the means to acquire it
  13. information on, and links to, mandatory federal and provincial programs
  14. assistance in acquiring basic knowledge of everyday life skills, as required
  15. assessment and referrals to other settlement programs, and community based services
  16. support services that enable clients to access services (e.g., child care)
  17. indirect services that support PSRs (e.g., funding for resources and training for sponsors that helps build their capacity to support PSRs in Canada)
  18. any other justifiable service deemed appropriate to support clients in the resettlement process, sponsors to sponsor refugees for resettlement to Canada, or support the objectives of RAP such as engaging in research projects and other initiatives intended to support and improve the program

Eligible Expenditures


5.3B Grant agreements may be made towards activities related to eligible services and could encompass the following expenditures that are determined to be reasonable and essential:

  1. salaries, wages and related benefits for staff related to RAP and resettlement
  2. training and professional development
  3. travel, accommodation and other cost related to the program activities for employees and volunteers, where applicable
  4. delivery assistance tools and material such as textbooks and other instructional material, supplies, telephone, postage, printing and duplication
  5. cost associated with research, conferences, workshops, and publicity
  6. legal costs such as determining best interest and guardianship of minors
  7. professional, consultancy copyright fees
  8. overhead costs including rental of space and/or equipment, and certain routine maintenance of accommodation space
  9. capital expenditures deemed by the Department to be necessary costs that the service provider expects to incur as capital assets purchased and/or leased (e.g., computers, furniture, and other tangible property). This includes leasehold improvements, and costs for arrangements and devices for RAP clients and individuals identified for resettlement with disabilities. Necessary capital expenditures approved by the Department, of up to 15% of the total value of the grant agreement are allowed. Capital expenditures cannot exceed 50% of the total grant amount in any given fiscal year.
  10. pre-departure temporary accommodation costs
  11. cost of meals or providing the means to obtain food elsewhere
  12. cost of transportation related to pre-departure processing
  13. any other justifiable expenditure deemed appropriate to support the eligible services


5.4B Contribution agreements may be made towards activities related to eligible services and could encompass the following expenditures that are determined to be reasonable and essential:

  1. salaries, wages and related benefits for staff related to RAP and resettlement
  2. training and professional development
  3. travel, accommodation and other cost related to the program activities for employees and volunteers, where applicable
  4. delivery assistance tools and material such as textbooks and other instructional material, supplies, telephone, postage, printing and duplication
  5. cost associated with research, conferences, workshops and publicity
  6. development of training materials, curricula, or other resources
  7. legal costs such as determining best interest and guardianship of minors
  8. professional, consultancy copyright fees
  9. cost associated with administration and audits
  10. overhead costs including rental of space and/or equipment, and certain routine maintenance of accommodation space
  11. capital expenditures deemed by the Department to be necessary costs that the service provider expects to incur as capital assets purchased and/or leased (e.g., computers, furniture and other tangible property) This includes leasehold improvements, and costs for arrangements and devices for RAP clients with disabilities. Necessary capital expenditures approved by the Department, of up to 15% of the total value of the contribution agreement are allowed. Capital expenditures cannot exceed 50% of the total contribution amount in any given fiscal year. (Note: The portion related to arrangements and devices for RAP clients and individuals identified for resettlement with disabilities cannot exceed $10,000 per disabled client up to a maximum of $100,000 per year per agreement unless otherwise approved by the Department to respond to RAP clients’ needs)
  12. temporary accommodations costs (commercial and reception house format) associated with maintaining a facility to house and feed RAP clients prior to placement in permanent accommodation
  13. cost of temporary allowance given to RAP clients
  14. cost of meals for RAP clients and individuals identified for resettlement to Canada or providing them with the means to obtain food elsewhere
  15. cost of transportation within Canada, and cost of transportation related to pre-departure processing
  16. any other justifiable expenditure deemed appropriate to support the eligible services

5.5B In addition to the above expenditures, the following may also be covered for eligible clients who have higher settlement needs, under RAP:

  1. admissibility costs (e.g., medical examinations when RAP client is outside of Canada, processing, travel documents or exit visas)
  2. transportation costs including costs associated with obtaining transportation from point of embarkation to the point of final destination in Canada; and reasonable expenses incurred during the course of the journey

5.6B NOTE: The Department does not intend to provide grant or contribution agreements for the purpose of generating profits or increasing the value of a business. Profit is neither a “cost” nor “expenditure” and therefore may not be included in the eligible costs. Unless specifically allowed in the contribution agreement, no user fees can be charged to recipients for services funded by IRCC.

6B. Determination of Grant or Contribution Mechanism and Amount


6.1B The determination of the amount of a grant or contribution is based on financial need of the organization, in accordance with the assessment criteria (section 9.2B of these terms and conditions). Funding will be provided only at the minimum level required for the activity or project. The Program retains the right to provide partial funding for an activity or project. This determination will be based on:

  1. level of funds available
  2. level of funding needed to achieve expected results
  3. volume of applications received
  4. volume of referrals required, as determined by IRCC
  5. anticipated number of arrivals of RAP clients


6.2B Generally, a grant can be used when the Department has a high level of confidence in a recipient’s ability to deliver results without extensive oversight. Grants can be used when a recipient meets the following criteria. Per section 4.2B, use of grants are limited to intergovernmental and international organizations.

  • Acceptable level of project risk determined by assessment of the applicant’s track record in delivering similar results to Canada and/or other countries.
  • The applicant has demonstrated capacity to deliver activities and achieve desired results
  • The applicant has previous relationship with IRCC and a good track record managing Government of Canada funding.

6.3B A contribution can be used when the Department prefers to retain oversight over a recipient’s spending in order to ensure results are achieved and to safeguard the use of public funds in a manner that is sensitive to risks. Section 4.3B identifies which recipients are eligible for a contribution agreement.

7B. Maximum Amount Payable

7.1B The maximum amount payable to each eligible recipient for all Resettlement Assistance Program funding agreements shall not exceed the per fiscal year limits indicated below.

There are two categories of maximum amount payable by eligible recipient:

  1. Regular Business;
  2. Special measures in support of the Department’s involvement in urgent and/or large-scale resettlement initiatives related to Convention refugees or persons in similar circumstances to those of Convention refugees, who are eligible for RAP under the Program Terms and Conditions. Special measures may only be applied following approval by the Assistant Deputy Ministers with oversight of the RAP program and the Chief Financial Officer, with a confirmed source of funding for a defined period of time.
Eligible Type of Recipients Maximum Payable
by Recipient
(Regular Business)
Maximum Payable
by Recipient
(Special Measures)
Individuals $300,000 $300,000
RAP SPOs $15 Million $50 Million
Not for profit organizations including non-governmental organizations, non-profit corporations, community groups, umbrella organizations, and regulatory bodies and apprenticeship authorities $15 Million $50 Million
Intergovernmental or international organizations $50 Million $120 Million

8B. Basis of Payment


8.1B Grants will be paid in installments unless the full amount is required to meet the objectives of the project.

8.2B There are no restrictions to the number of approved projects an eligible recipient may hold at any one time.

8.3B Both single year and multi-year projects may be funded, subject to program criteria and cycles.

8.4B Grants may be up to five years in duration.

8.5B Grants could be cancelled if the recipient does not meet the terms of the agreement.


8.6B Payments of contributions will be made as reimbursements of eligible costs incurred by the recipient and will be based on the presentation of acceptable claims and progress reports, in accordance with the terms of the contribution agreement. Agreements may be up to five years in duration. Advance payments will also be used.

8.7B At the time of claiming final payment, or at the end of each year in the case of a multi-year agreement, the recipient must provide an accounting statement and a final detailed report on the achievement of the objectives outlined in the agreement. Holdbacks will also be used in the payment of contributions.

8.8B In support of Canada’s involvement in urgent initiatives related to refugees, reimbursements may be made for costs incurred prior to the signature/start date of the agreement only in cases where there is a provision in the agreement. In these circumstances, costs will be eligible for reimbursement as of the date Canada announces its involvement in the urgent initiative, for a maximum funding of the contribution agreement value.

9B. Required Information from Applicant and Assessment Criteria

Application Requirements

9.1B An applicant requesting funding must submit the following:

  1. a detailed proposal that may include, but is not limited to:
    1. a description of planned activities
    2. how these activities will contribute to the expected program outcomes
    3. how these activities will link to settlement services and other services in respective jurisdictions (applies to domestic SPOs only)
    4. a description of how the activities will support the RAP performance measurement strategy
    5. an implementation plan demonstrating the capacity to deliver the proposed services
    6. a reporting strategy
    7. an evaluation that will measure and assess immediate and intermediate outcomes
    8. a detailed budget showing all revenues and expenses for the activity/project including a description of how the funding will be used (all items must be described for each year of a multi-year funding agreement)
  2. if the applicant is requesting a contribution of over $100,000, the proposed budget will include a statement disclosing funding from other sources for the same activities or eligible costs. This may also apply when the contribution is $100,000 or less (applies to domestic SPOs only)
  3. financial statements for the last two years (annual audited statements as per Generally Accepted Accounting Principles preferred), if applicable
  4. documents demonstrating the applicant’s legal constitution; related entities, governance structure and appropriate financial systems and procedures, if applicable
  5. disclosure of the involvement of any former public servants who are subject to the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service
  6. assurance that any persons lobbying on their behalf is registered pursuant to the Lobbying Act
  7. any other information deemed necessary to assess the proposal

Assessment Criteria

9.2B The Department may use advisory and consultative mechanisms in order to assess the merits of the proposals submitted. The following factors will be used by departmental officials when deciding whether or not to recommend approval of the contribution:

  1. The applicants’ financial stability, organizational capacity and ability to deliver the planned activities;
  2. The planned activities have clear objectives and results, demonstrated need and value, and appropriate level of risk and complexity; and
  3. The project budget is realistic and appropriate, costs are eligible and program funding is needed.

9.3B The Department, after considering and assessing any proposals submitted by prospective recipients, will select the best proposals and may invite those applicants to enter into a contribution agreement with the Department. The final approval of proposals is the responsibility of the Minister who may delegate this authority to appropriate departmental officials.

9.4B Each approved proposal will be subject to a formal agreement in accordance with the requirements of IRPA and the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act.

10B. Reporting Requirements


10.1B The recipient shall provide to the Department, at such times and in such manner as the Department may specify in the grant agreement, reports describing results achieved to date or such other information that the Department may reasonably request for the purpose of verifying that the project is being implemented in accordance with this grant agreement.


10.2B RAP recipients that are domestic SPOs will be required to input into the Immigration Contribution Agreement Reporting Environment (iCARE), as well as participate in a survey that will be administered by the Department once per year in order to assess RAP outcomes. The survey will assess whether RAP services were useful and accessible, as well as if RAP clients were linked to other settlement and government services, non-government and community based services.

10.3B For recipients that provide indirect services refugees in Canada, including support to individuals or organizations sponsoring refugees for resettlement to Canada under Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program or Blended Visa Office-Referred Program, the recipient shall provide to the Department at such times and in such manner as the Department may specify in the contribution agreement financial and results reports or such other information that the Department may reasonably request for the purpose of verifying that the project is being implemented in accordance with this contribution agreement.

10.4B For international organizations, the recipient shall provide to the Department, at such times and in such manner as the Department may specify in the contribution agreement, financial and results reports or such other information that the Department may reasonably request for the purpose of verifying that the project is being implemented in accordance with this contribution agreement.

C. Blended Sponsorship Initiatives (Contribution)

4C. Eligible Recipients

4.1C Sponsorship Agreement Holders and their constituent groups, as well as PSRs sponsored by Eligible Sponsors, are eligible recipients of RAP contributions if they are a part of a blended sponsorship initiative that has been established by the Department.

4.2C PSRs may also receive RAP contributions including income support directly from the Department, as well as services provided by SPOs if a demonstrated need exists.

5C. Eligible Expenditures

5.1C Eligible expenditures are payments to Sponsorship Agreement Holders as well as PSRs eligible for RAP contributions in blended initiatives to cover the basic needs of life for PSRs. These payments include but are not limited to:

  1. food
  2. shelter
  3. clothing
  4. basic furniture
  5. incidentals

6C. Determination of Contribution Amount

6.1C The terms of a blended initiative are established with the agreement of both the Department and the Eligible Sponsor. An example would be that the Department pays for the initial start-up costs and income support for a period of 3 months and the Eligible Sponsor provides financial assistance for the remaining 9 months, as well as emotional assistance and mentoring for the full 12 months.

7C. Maximum Amount Payable

7.1C The maximum contribution for a PSR in a blended initiative will be in accordance with what has been established between the Department and the Eligible Sponsor, and should not exceed the set maximum amount under section 7.1A of these terms and conditions.

7.2C The maximum contribution for a Sponsorship Agreement Holder in a blended initiative will be in accordance with what has been established between the Department and the Sponsorship Agreement Holder and should not exceed the set maximum amount under section 7.1B of these terms and conditions.

8C. Basis of Payment

8.1C Contributions for income support to PSRs, sponsored by Eligible Sponsors, as part of a blended sponsorship initiative will normally be made on a monthly basis.

8.2C Contributions to Sponsorship Agreement Holders in blended initiatives will normally be made in one lump-sum payment of the amount agreed upon by the Sponsorship Agreement Holder and the Department. The timing of the payment will depend on the intended use of the funds but will not be before an agreement has been established and the arrival of the PSR.

8.3C Contributions for income support may be made to eligible PSRs in blended initiatives in exceptional circumstances where there is a sponsorship breakdown. The period of such income support would normally commence from the date of the breakdown and continuing through the duration of the sponsorship period, as established in agreement with the Eligible Sponsor, or until such time as a PSR’s income is sufficient to meet his or her own needs and the needs of any dependants, whichever event occurs first.

9C. Required Information from Applicant and Assessment Criteria

9.1C When the Department expresses its intention to enter into a blended initiative with a Sponsorship Agreement Holder, a departmental official may request from the Sponsorship Agreement Holder an application that outlines their proposed budget for sponsorship and the funding that they are requesting from the Department. The assessment will be based on whether the Sponsorship Agreement Holder is in good standing and is compliant with the official Sponsorship Agreement between the Department and the Sponsorship Agreement Holder.

10C. Reporting Requirements

10.1C Reporting requirements for PSRs and Eligible Sponsors in blended initiatives will be in accordance with the provisions agreed to by the Department and the Eligible Sponsor.

11. Stacking Limits (applicable to all categories)

11.1 Total Canadian government funding (federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal), as defined in the Treasury Board Directive on Transfer Payments, shall be a maximum of 100% of eligible expenditures. If actual funding exceeds this limit, the Department shall recover the amount over the stacking limit.

12. Official Languages (applicable to all categories)

12.1 Communications with the public and delivery of services will take into account the relevant official languages obligations and comply with all applicable requirements stipulated in the Official Languages Act and related regulations and policies.

12.2 In addition, the Department addresses the particular challenges of groups that combine linguistic and other minority statuses, aiming to support the participation of official language minority communities and monitoring the barriers they face.

Annex to the Terms and Conditions of the Resettlement Assistance Program: The Canada-Ukraine Transitional Assistance Initiative (CUTAI)

This Annex amends the Terms and Conditions of the Resettlement Assistance Program to extend the Program to a new class of recipients with a new grant. To the extent there is conflict, the provisions in this Annex supersede the corresponding provisions of the Resettlement Assistance Program Terms and Conditions only for the purposes of this new class of recipients, and for the duration of the Canada-Ukraine Transitional Assistance Initiative.


For foreign nationals arriving under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization Emergency Travel (CUAET) measures, the Canada-Ukraine Transitional Assistance Initiative (hereinafter referred to as CUTAI) is intended to provide direct one-time transitional financial support to individuals fleeing the invasion of Ukraine, following their arrival in Canada. The CUAET is a special, accelerated, temporary residence pathway for foreign nationals seeking safe haven in Canada while the war the Ukraine continues.

The Government of Canada has committed to providing direct one-time transitional financial support for the basic needs of individuals fleeing Ukraine and arriving under the CUAET. This program is established further to the Government of Canada’s announcement of supports for individuals on April 9, 2022.

1. Authority

1.1 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (hereinafter referred to as the Department) derives its authority for the CUTAI from the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA).

1.2 The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration is authorized by Cabinet to provide transitional support to persons facilitated under the CUAET measures.

2. Purpose and Objectives

2.1 The purpose and objective of the CUTAI is to provide direct one-time transitional financial support to meet the immediate and basic needs of eligible recipients as listed in Section 4 of this annex, hereinafter referred to as temporary residents facilitated under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel measures (“CUAET clients”), following their arrival in Canada.

2.2 The provision of the CUTAI contributes to the objectives of Paragraph 3(1)(a) of the IRPA, to “permit Canada to pursue the maximum social, cultural and economic benefits of immigration”.

Expected Outcomes

2.3 The expected outcomes of the CUTAI are:

  1. Upon application, direct one-time financial support is provided to eligible CUAET clients to support their transition following their arrival in Canada; and,
  2. CUAET clients are supported in covering the costs of basic essentials and incidentals in Canada.

Key Performance Measures

2.4 Progress toward the objectives is measured through key performance measures for relevance and effectiveness, for example, the extent to which the grant is achieving its stated goal to provide immediate and basic needs to the eligible recipients.

3. Eligible Services

Individual Transitional Support (Grant)

Transitional financial support is:

  • delivered by Service Canada;
  • a one-time grant available to eligible CUAET clients (including those in Quebec) who have applied for the grant.

4. Eligible Recipients

4.1 Eligible recipients are foreign nationals who have been facilitated under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel measures, have arrived in Canada, and have been granted temporary resident status on or before March 31, 2024.

5. Eligible Expenditures

5.1 This direct one-time transitional financial support provides CUAET clients with funds to enable them to acquire goods and services to meet their immediate and basic needs on arrival including, but not limited to:

  1. food
  2. shelter
  3. clothing
  4. basic furniture
  5. incidentals

6. Determination of Grant Amount

6.1 The grant to persons aged 18 and over, as of the date of application, will be in the amount of $3,000.

6.2 The grant to persons aged 17 and under, as of the date of application, will be in the amount of $1,500, and remitted to their applicant parent or legal guardian.

6.3 No individual is eligible for more than one grant under the lifetime of this initiative.

7. Maximum Amount Payable

7.1 The maximum grant amount to any persons aged 18 and over, as of the date of application, shall not exceed:

  1. $3,000 per adult (aged 18 and over) as of the date of application; and
  2. $1,500 per child (aged 17 and under) as of the date of application.

8. Basis of Payment

8.1 The grant will be made on a one-time basis.

8.2 The grant for which the CUAET client was not entitled shall be considered debts due to the Crown.

9. Required Information from Applicant and Assessment Criteria

9.1 Information Required in Application: Applicants must provide the following information to Service Canada demonstrating their eligibility for the CUTAI through:

  1. Full name;
  2. Date of birth; and
  3. An original or electronic copy of a valid temporary resident status document (work permit, study permit, visitor record or temporary resident permit) with an identifying “CUAET-AVUCU” notation (IMM1442B).

9.2 Criteria for Assessment: An assessment is based on whether the applicant is described as an eligible recipient in section 4.1 of this Annex, and the age of the applicant at the time of the application.

10. Reporting Requirements

10.1 Individuals will not be required to report on the use of the CUTAI.

11. Official Languages Act

11.1 The Department will continue to meet its obligations in accordance with the Official Languages Act, the Official Languages (Communications with and Services to the Public) Regulations, and the Treasury Board policies and directives on Official Languages by providing services in both official languages of Canada where required.

12. Duration

12.1 For the purposes of delivering the CUTAI under Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s Resettlement Assistance Program, all eligible applicants must apply before the expiry of this Annex on June 30, 2024.

GFK Immigration
Gboyega Esan RCIC R708591
Phone: +1 (647) 225-0092

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